Society of Fascists

Comparing Modi to Hitler or any brutal leader will benefit no one and will only dilute his actions in the international discourse. PHOTO: TWITTER/ PTI

The modern society as we know has evolved and will continue to evolve over time. Society as a whole and people in it is a dynamic phenomena. The moral values, social principals, social ethics and behavior of the people frequently change with time but what is considered to be good or bad in a society? What is the yardstick that determines good and bad? Who determines what the moral values, social principals, social ethics and behavior of the people should be? According to sociologists and experts of social sciences, the general consensus and understanding among the members of the society sets that social yardstick with regards to the social, political and cultural environment of the people. 

The political, cultural and social environment almost a hundred years back in Nazi Germany compelled the members of that society to think, act and behave in a certain manner and to have a certain view in your mind against the Jewish community because that was something which was thought to be normal in that time as it was also preached by their political leaders. For an average Nazi German citizen who is assumed to be a true believer of national socialism and Nazi ideology, blaming the Jews for the destruction of German cultural values and family system was normal but for an average American from the same time period, this thinking and ideology was anti-Semitic and evil to its core. The evil Nazi ideology was engraved and rooted deep into the minds of the German public and society. This was something very terrifying and it proved its terrible outcome in the shape of Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp which was later discovered after the end of the war but the destruction, massacre, genocide and the loss of 7 million innocent human lives had already been done in this catastrophic holocaust.

Nazi women supporters

Today international community is very mindful and cautious of such neo-Nazi fascist inspired ideologies. But at the same time a reincarnation of the Nazi ideology has emerged in "the land of yoga" or "shinning India" how most Europeans and north Americans would describe. The current Hindu nationalist and extremist BJP government of Modi in India is no less then the Nazi party of Hitler in Germany. But the alarming aspect is that this fascist and extremist ideology has also been engraved into the minds of the Indian masses just how Nazi ideology was into the German society. But here the enemy is not the Jews but the Muslims which make up 14.2% of India's total population.

Jewish shops attacked in Nazi Germany

How can someone imagine living in a society of fascists, among extremists who blames you for your existence, who's heart is filled with anger and hate against you, who constantly accuses you of being a Pakistani agent, a traitor or having links to terrorist groups. This is the society where hating Muslims is considered normal and customary, where lynching Muslims is a common criminal practice now, where society is so desensitized of hatred, violence, racism and rape that another massacre and genocide in the shape of the Auschwitz concentration camp is waiting around the corner just to happen. But ironically the leaders of the free, liberal and progressive world are siting like deaf and dumb ducks watching the fire burning down humanity and some warming themselves from that same fire even though the smoke rising from its chimney smells like another Auschwitz or a Muslim holocaust.


Author: Muhammad Asim Khan

A Mass Communication student of National University of        Modern Languages Islamabad who often writes on international relations and particular interest in Af-Pak affairs.

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